------------- Control Keys ------------- A: Aim Move the mouse left or right to aim the cue. Move the mouse forward or back to change the up/down angle of the table. Hold the left mouse button and move the mouse back to zoom in. Hold the left mouse button and move the mouse forward to zoom out. The view stays centered around the cue ball. The Status Area will inform you when you are in AIM MODE. S: Shoot Hold the S key down and move the mouse back for your backstroke, and then forward to strike the cue ball. The faster you move the mouse forward, the harder you will strike the cue ball. As with a real pool cue, a smooth stroke is very important. The Status Area will inform you when you are in Shoot Mode. V: Change View Press V to select View Mode. Move the mouse left and right to rotate the table. Moving the mouse forward and back changes the up/down angle of the table. Hold the left mouse button and move the mouse forward/back to Zoom the view. Hold the C key down and move the mouse to change the center of view. The center of view is the point the view rotates about. Changing to Aim mode will bring the view back to the cue ball (AIM) view. M: Select and move ball Hold M down to move the currently selected ball. Hold H down to change the ball selection. 'Move' will only work on the cue ball when you have ball in hand during a game, or while in practice mode. H only works in practice mode. B: Raise butt of cue For some advanced shots, such as the masse, you must hit the cue ball from above. Hold down B and move the mouse forward or back to bring the butt of the cue up or down. The Status Area will display the cue angle. The angle will be reset to normal after the shot. C: Move Center Point Hold C and move the mouse to move the center point of the view to a different location on the screen. Moving the view in this way does not affect the aim of the shot. E: English: Move cue tip Hold E and move the mouse to apply English (change the cue tip location on the cue ball). The dot on the cue ball indicates where the cue tip will hit. English is used to place spin on the cue ball, and can be very helpful in making what would otherwise be impossible shots. Hitting the cue ball to the left or right of center places a left or right spin on the ball. Hitting the cue ball above center puts a foward spin on the ball. Hitting below center puts a backwards spin on the cue ball. F: Vary Force of Tracking hit This option is only available if (T)racking is turned on. While Tracking is on, hold F down and move the mouse forward or back to change the force of the hit. Tracking Lines get longer as the mouse is pushed forward (Increase Force), shorter as the mouse is pulled back (Decrease Force). The balls will all end up exactly where the Tracking indicator shows if you hit the cue ball with the specified amount of force. Use the SPACE BAR to use exactly this amount of force. H: Select a different ball to move You must first select M first to activate ball Move. Then hold the H key and move the green crosshair cursor with the mouse over the ball you wish selected. When you release the H key the cursor will snap to the nearest ball. Once the ball is selected, hold the M key to move the ball to the desired location. Only available in Practice Mode. Left Mouse Button: Zoom Hold the left mouse button down and move the mouse backwards (down) to zoom in, move the mouse forward (up) to zoom out. Right Mouse Button: Opens Main Menu System Press the right mouse button to enter the Main Menu. You may also access the Main Menu by pressing the F10 key or the Escape Key. Shift: toggle Amplify Press the shift key (no need to hold it) to toggle Amplify. "Amplify" will appear in red in the status area. Mouse movements are exaggerated while Amplify is turned on. This option is used primarily for the break. Ctrl: toggle Fine Tune Press the Ctrl key (no need to hold it) to toggle Fine Tune. "Fine Tune" will appear in red in the status area. Mouse movements are much finer while amplify is turned on. Use this control for setting up trick shots or anytime precision alignment is needed. It also comes in handy for hitting the cue ball softly. L: Toggle table lines Press the L key to toggle the table lines on or off. P: Preference Color Changes the color of the table. R: Replay last shot Press R to replay the previous shot. You can change the rate of replay (even during replay) with the + and - keys. T: Toggle Tracking The T key will toggle the Tracking Lines on and off. Tracking shows you the path of every ball on the table, based on the current aim and force setting. Each ball's path is indicated by a line of the same color as the ball. Striped balls have striped paths. The Tracking lines end where the ball will stop. The exact path balls will follow is based partly on the force of the hit. To hit the cue ball with exactly the force shown by Tracking, press S and then press the space bar instead of shooting the ball with the mouse. U: Undo Press U to Undo the last shot. The view will reset to the AIM and table position of the previous shot. This is very useful for practicing shots. Undo is not available when playing a computer opponent, or when connected to a remote player via network or modem. Z: Zip to result Press Z after you shoot to progress immediately to the end of the shot. Z will skip to the result of the shot, placing the balls where they would have ended up if allowed to roll naturally to a stop. + (=) Increase replay rate The + key (or the = key) will increment the replay rate. Replay rate can be 1/8 speed, 1/4 speed, 1/2 speed, or 1 (full) speed. The replay rate is shown at the top right of the status area. Replay rate can be adjusted at any time, even during the replay. - Decrease replay rate The - key will decrement the replay rate. Replay rate can be 1/8 speed, 1/4 speed, 1/2 speed, or 1 (full) speed. The replay rate is shown at the top right of the status area. Replay rate can be adjusted at any time, even during the replay. Alt-C: Send communication to remote player Press Alt-C and you will be able to send a text notice to a remote player. Your notice can only be one line across the screen. If you need more room, send the message in more than one piece. Press Enter when you are done entering your message and it will be sent to the remote player. Alt-L: Load Saved Game or position Alt-L will load a previously saved game or shot. Alt-M Declare miscall on previous shot Most games require players to call their shots. Usually the shot you are attempting is obvious. If a shot doesn't go in as you planned, the computer doesn't know, so you are on the honor system to admit it. Press Alt-M and play will proceed to the next player. Not available in Practice Mode. Alt-P: Pocket Selected Ball Pressing Alt-P will pocket the currently selected ball. This option only works while in Move Mode. Alt-Q: Quit current match Alt-Q quits the current match. You will be asked to confirm this option. Game and Foul totals will reset to zero for both players. Alt-S: Save game or position Alt-S saves the current game. You can use this to save a game to resume later, or you can use it to save trick shots. You must enter a name to save the shot under. Not Available in Demo Version. Alt-T: Change player turn If you want to play "push out" rules, let your opponent try again, or just got mixed up whose turn it was, press Alt-T and play will go to the other player without the movement of any balls, or the assessment of any fouls. Not Available in Demo Version. INS: Spot selected ball Insert will spot the selected ball at the foot spot. Available only in Move Mode. DEL: Pocket selected ball Delete will pocket the selected ball. Available only in Move Mode.